As a BCA Pool League Operator, you have the ability to register your players for upcoming CueSports International events, including the BCA Pool League World Championships. This is often necessary after a team wins the league, playoffs, or regional qualifier tournament. Please read below for instructions on how to properly register your players and please note it is recommended that you do this from a computer and not a mobile device.
Visit the desired event webpage and click the "REGISTER ONLINE" button as shown below.
Visit the desired event webpage and click the "REGISTER ONLINE" button as shown below.
You will be directed to a login screen for our online registration system. If you have previously used the system, enter your username (your email address that we have on file) and your password. If you forgot your password, click the "Forgot your password" link and follow the instructions. If you have never used the system, click the "Signup" link. NOTE that this "Signup" link is to sign up for a user account, not an actual tournament.
WARNING: If you are logging in for the first time and you click the "Signup" link, the system will first require some preliminary information. During the process, the system will ask you a series of questions in order to locate your existing profile, which has your League Manager credentials. If you do not answer these questions thoroughly or accurately, the system will not locate your existing profile and it will create a new one. This new profile will not have your League Manager credentials and you will not be able to register your players.
WARNING: If you are logging in for the first time and you click the "Signup" link, the system will first require some preliminary information. During the process, the system will ask you a series of questions in order to locate your existing profile, which has your League Manager credentials. If you do not answer these questions thoroughly or accurately, the system will not locate your existing profile and it will create a new one. This new profile will not have your League Manager credentials and you will not be able to register your players.
Once you log in, the system will ask if you want to enter League Operator/Manager mode or the normal individual mode. To register players in your league, select your league and click the League Operator button as shown below.
Select the desired tournament and division(s). Note that you can select multiple tournaments and divisions within a single transaction. Always double check that you have selected the correct tournament(s) and division(s).
You will then be prompted to select the player(s) to be registered for each tournament and division. In this example, we want to register Krista Fenton for 8-Ball Singles. Since her name is not shown in the Player Setup default list near the bottom of the page, you need to search for her in the Player Lookup section near the top using one of the two options - entering her membership number (Option 1) or the first few letters of her first and last name (Option 2). In the below example, we searched by name. Click the "Lookup Player" button to search.
The search returned the player. After verifying it is the correct person, click the "Sign-Up" check box and then the "Check Eligibility" button as shown below. The system will verify whether the person is conditionally eligible for the selected tournament and division. In this example, the player is conditionally eligible so it returns a "Congratulations" message near the bottom. Click the "Continue" button.
NOTE: The system can only verify some aspects of a person's eligibility and therefore, it is "conditional." All players, especially those with an unestablished Fargo rating (based on less than 200 games) will be subject to further review. CSI can, and often will, adjust starter ratings based on these additional reviews and this is never a valid basis for a refund.
NOTE: The system can only verify some aspects of a person's eligibility and therefore, it is "conditional." All players, especially those with an unestablished Fargo rating (based on less than 200 games) will be subject to further review. CSI can, and often will, adjust starter ratings based on these additional reviews and this is never a valid basis for a refund.
Once you perform these steps for all players, tournaments, and divisions, you will see the Registration Fee Summary page. Verify everything is correct, especially the tournaments and divisions. You do not want to register your players for the wrong tournament and have to request a refund, incur admin & processing fees, and then be required to re-register for the correct tournament. Once you verify everything, click the "Make Payment" button.
Each event has specific terms and conditions that must be accepted in order to participate. By accepting, you are taking on the responsibility to inform your players about these terms and conditions and accepting them on their behalf. This includes confirming that you have read and understood the event’s Player Guide, along with all the associated policies and procedures including refunds, payouts, etc. Click the "I Accept These Terms" checkbox and then click the "Continue" button.
You will then be directed to a page to enter credit card information. Follow the instructions and once complete, you should receive a confirmation email with all the details of the registration. Read this email thoroughly as it contains everything you and your players have agreed to and keep it for your records.