We are excited to announce the addition of two new divisions at the 2019 BCA Pool League World Championships in Las Vegas - Handicapped 8-Ball Singles Platinum & Gold Divisions. The new divisions will be held July 17-19 and will be handicapped using FargoRate race chart R5 hot handicaps. To view the FargoRate race charts, visit https://fairmatch.fargorate.com, select "match charts," enter the player ratings and select "R5" to view the handicapped races.
All players must have established Fargo ratings (minimum of 200 robustness) to participate in these divisions. To lookup your rating, visit https://fairmatch.fargorate.com, select "Find a Player" and enter the first few letters of your first and last name. If you can't locate your name, your league play may not be getting reported to FargoRate. If this is the case, ask your League Manager about the new FargoRate League Management System (LMS). It is provided to BCA Pool Leagues absolutely free.
Players will register for Handicapped 8-Ball Singles not knowing which division they will compete in. After registration is closed, the field will be divided in half with the upper half being the Platinum Division and the lower half being the Gold Division. However, both divisions will be handicapped.
Please note that these divisions will run simultaneous to 9-Ball Singles and we are not able to schedule around match conflicts. Therefore, players should not register for 9-Ball Singles and Handicapped 8-Ball Singles.
PS...don't forget that you must have an established Fargo rating (robustness of 200 or more) to play in these handicapped divisions.
Register today!
All players must have established Fargo ratings (minimum of 200 robustness) to participate in these divisions. To lookup your rating, visit https://fairmatch.fargorate.com, select "Find a Player" and enter the first few letters of your first and last name. If you can't locate your name, your league play may not be getting reported to FargoRate. If this is the case, ask your League Manager about the new FargoRate League Management System (LMS). It is provided to BCA Pool Leagues absolutely free.
Players will register for Handicapped 8-Ball Singles not knowing which division they will compete in. After registration is closed, the field will be divided in half with the upper half being the Platinum Division and the lower half being the Gold Division. However, both divisions will be handicapped.
Please note that these divisions will run simultaneous to 9-Ball Singles and we are not able to schedule around match conflicts. Therefore, players should not register for 9-Ball Singles and Handicapped 8-Ball Singles.
PS...don't forget that you must have an established Fargo rating (robustness of 200 or more) to play in these handicapped divisions.
Register today!